Auf Regen folgt immer Sonnenschein. Und damit ihr diesen auch genießen könnt, haben wir wieder ein paar Bugs für euch beseitigt. Viel Spaß mit der willhaben App!
We're swapping a few minor bugs for spring sunshine and wish you good luck shopping on willhaben!
We're exchanging a few minor bugs for spring-like rays of sunshine and wish you lots of success shopping on willhaben!
We're exchanging a few minor bugs for spring-like rays of sunshine and wish you lots of success shopping on willhaben!
NEW at PayLivery: "My Transactions" It's finally here - the overview of all your purchases & sales with PayLivery! What's new? -) Track how much you've earned and when which payouts were made. -) Check the status of your transactions -) All information at your fingertips: Download invoices and shipping labels directly -) Go straight to the chat or find out more details about your transaction -) Sort your transactions by year or status - whatever suits you!
Yay, the jobs section now has the best application form ever: Apply now for your next dream job and easily save your contact details and CV for your next application.
Yay, the jobs section now has the best application form ever: Apply now for your next dream job and easily save your contact details and CV for your next application.
Yay, the jobs section now has the best application form ever: Apply now for your next dream job and easily save your contact details and CV for your next application.
Even small bugs can be annoying, which is why we have been able to get rid of a few of them. Have fun buying and selling on willhaben!
There are minor updates at the turn of the year. Happy start to the new year, your willhaben team.
The jobs homepage has been populated with your last search. Nothing stands in the way of your successful job search! We've also been able to squash a few bugs and adjust UIs to ensure your willhaben experience remains great!
Just a few fewer bugs in the update. Did you know that you can create a profile picture? It's really easy to use in your profile and makes chatting much nicer :)
The bugs disappeared, but no feature was found! So this time it's quite simple, a poem in the release notes.
Only a few bugs less here, so here's a little hack for you: In the full-text search, enter a "-" in front of a word to exclude it from your search. e.g. "-wool" for those of you who are as itchy about the material as we are :)
A cold here, a few nasty bugs there. The main thing is that you and the app recover quickly - this time we were able to recover from a few minor bugs and made a few important updates.
Servas, greetings and good day! We say HELLO - now on your app homepage. But that's not all: under "My Watch Lists" and "My Search Agents" you can now also find saved jobs, as well as job search agents - so you won't miss anything, whether it's real estate, used cars, jobs or countless things from the marketplace!
There is little going on here, so a little tip for all PayLivery aficonadas: Did you know that you can also make a PayLivery offer as a seller ? Try it out now if anyone is shy again :)
Anyone who doesn't honor the cent is not worth the euro! Now you can negotiate every price proposal with willhaben-PayLivery down to the cent. That's gonna be fun! ;) Otherwise we were able to correct one or two minor errors, good luck!
Attention job seekers: you can now find your most recently viewed job advertisements in the feed. Try it out now in “Last Viewed” and good luck with your application!
In this update we have added two quick links on the job start page to your job watch list and your search agent so that you can reach them even more easily. In addition, there are minor updates to the rental profile and the end of a small bug when resetting job filters.
Are you renting out a property and finding it difficult to estimate the rental price? We have something for you: Use the new rental price comparison in the real estate ad task now!
“This time we've fixed a small bug in the jobs area. Now the job filters should work properly again. Good luck with your job search!”
In addition to a small bug in the user interface, we also made sure that you now get suggested filters for the type of employment in the jobs area if these were not selected. Have fun with the app!
Double up! We've increased the saved searches in the search text box from 3 to 6, so you can find everything even faster. Also in this update: In the jobs area you can now see all filters at a glance in the search results to make it easier to refine your search!
Often requested, implemented for you: notifications about new chat messages are now reliably delivered to you. Thank you for your feedback! For all job seekers: Selected filters can now be edited - good luck with your job search!
For all fashion sellers: Now you can search for the right brand for your garment in the fashion / accessories ad task. We have one more thing, this time for landlords: Now there is a new overview of shared rental profiles.
For all fashion sellers: Now you can search for the right brand for your garment in the fashion / accessories ad task. We have one more thing, this time for landlords: Now there is a new overview of shared rental profiles.
We took care of the annoying bug that caused our app to crash for some users. Nice start into the summer!
We make regular updates, but sometimes the changes aren't exciting enough to detail here. So something helpful again: Do you know the image search on the marketplace? Tap on the camera symbol on the far right of the keyword search field and let our image AI find visually similar ads for the items you want. Have fun with it!
Mega update in the real estate and auto & motor area! We are adapting the two start pages to our marketplace and are therefore offering several new search entries with popular categories and topics as slider elements, as well as bubbles for the most frequently used search terms. Have fun with the new version! Do you like the app? Then rate us in the store and give us feedback, thank you!
The people who use willhaben are as diverse as our marketplace – and we are proud of that! And so this year we are going into Pride Month together with the LGBTQI+ community. Click on the rainbow heart to find out more! PS: Under "Last viewed" on the start page you will now also find real estate and vehicle ads.
You can now find our home loan calculator on the ad detail page in the real estate section. One (arithmetic) step closer to your dream property! Oh yes, we got rid of bugs too :)
With the freezing temperatures for the time of year, we caught a bug that wouldn't let you post more than 3 ads. With this update we have recovered from this and a few other minor bugs. Let's go! Give your unused items a second chance!
We make regular updates, but sometimes the changes aren't exciting enough to detail here. So something helpful that you might not know yet: In the search field you can use "OR" to search for several terms at the same time (e.g. for several brands: Nike OR Adidas), or "AND" to search for ads with all keywords ( e.g. Nike AND shirt). This way you might find your desired item even faster in the 10 million ads!
We've fixed minor bugs with the tile view in search results and made a few other updates.
apartment? With the new rental profile, you can easily save relevant information about yourself and share it with landlords with one click. We are curious how you like it!
Just in time to finalize your New Year's resolution: Our jobs area has been upgraded! In our application form, you can finally select "diverse" as an alternative to woman or man. In addition, you will now also get similar jobs suggested if you have sent an application with our application form and attachments are now optional! :)
Just in time to finalize the New Year's resolution: Our jobs section has been upgraded! In our application form, you can finally select "diverse" as an alternative to woman or man. In addition, you will now also get similar jobs suggested if you have sent an application with our application form and attachments are now optional! :)
You can now find more details about the job in the job display detail view: Position, salary, location and much more! So that you have everything at a glance.
Good luck with your job search! :)
Now you can create different watch lists, move ads from one watch list to another and call them whatever you want - even "Willi"? The big watch list update Now you can create different watch lists, move ads from one watch list to another and call them whatever you want - even "Willi"? In this version we made minor improvements and bug fixes to improve the performance and stability of our app. Performance improvements and bug fixes.
What do we and Marie Kondo have in common? We like to tidy up and shed unnecessary ballast - we've also removed some minor bugs in this update.
release 5.74.0
what's new
★ Due to legal requirements, we now show legal information in every advertisement, which differs depending on the type of seller and clarifies whether consumer protection law is applicable. You've been waiting for this, right? ; )
★ BUGFIXES - We've fixed some bugs, some on the design side, some on the performance side.
release 5.69.0
NEW: - Verify your phone number now and make your willhaben account even more secure - We have made small improvements in "My ads" - included - from now on you can see the search agent statistics in your ads
This update includes some improvements - so that everything continues to run smoothly!
Have fun with it!
We are constantly working to improve the willhaben app for you. With this update, we fixed some minor bugs. Among other things, errors in the ad task and in the update behavior have been fixed.
Have fun with it!
This update includes some improvements - to keep things running smoothly!
Have fun with it!
What's new? Enough to torment you through an app update again. We've fixed a few bugs and made minor improvements for a stable, reliable willhaben experience!
This update includes some improvements - to keep things running smoothly!
Have fun with it!
Small adjustments and bug fixes for a stable and reliable willhaben experience.
We gave the app a booster and fixed a few bugs - so that everything continues to run smoothly.
This update includes some improvements - so that everything continues to run smoothly!
Have fun with it!
This update includes some improvements - so that everything continues to run smoothly! Have fun with it!
We have carried out some minor optimizations after our last update.
Please send us an email to: Our payment and shipping service PayLivery is now even more secure and convenient: You can now find PayLivery reviews submitted under the seller's contact details directly in the ad. Have fun buying and selling!
New: Receive personal job recommendations based on your last job searches! The update also receives minor optimizations to make the will-have experience even better
Bugfix - Update to improve app performance
New in this version:
• Darkmode - use your willhaben app now in a dark design!
• We also have small adjustments and bug fixes.
We have fixed a few bugs and made minor improvements for a stable, reliable will-have experience!
-Intuitive image upload via drag & drop in the ad task.
-You can now also memorize jobs.
-Simplified ad posting with PayLivery.
-Small adjustments and bug fixes are also included.
Have fun with the update!
General technical improvements in the app. So that everything continues to run smoothly!
General technical improvements in the app. So that everything continues to run smoothly!
- small adjustments and bug fixes for a stable and reliable will-have experience.
Have fun with the update!
- Small adjustments and bug fixes for a stable and reliable will-have experience.
Have fun with the update!
• For those looking for accommodation: you will now find all new construction projects in a list of results.
• Other technical improvements
New in this version:
- Just looking for a job? On your home page you will now find "My Job" with your last job searches right at the top.
- We also have small adjustments and bug fixes.
Have fun with the update!
This update includes improvements in "My Ads": we will now remember your position so that editing and publishing your ads will be as easy as possible.
Have fun with it!
This update includes improvements in "My Ads": we now remember your position so that editing and publishing ads is as easy as possible.
Have fun with it!
What's new? Enough to torment you again with an app update :)
We have fixed a few bugs and made minor improvements for a stable, reliable will-have experience!
improvements and bug fixes General technical improvements in the app. So that everything continues to run smoothly!
General technical improvements in the app. So that everything continues to run smoothly!
General technical improvements in the app. So that everything continues to run smoothly!
This update includes some improvements - so that everything continues to run smoothly!
New in this version:
This update includes some improvements - so that everything continues to run smoothly!
New in this version:
This update includes some improvements - so that everything continues to run smoothly!
General technical improvements in the app. So that everything continues to run smoothly!
Please send us an email to: Extended filter functionality for the car search and other improvements. So that everything continues to run smoothly!
This update includes some improvements - so that everything continues to run smoothly!
Have fun with it!
New in this version:
This update includes some improvements - so that everything continues to run smoothly!
Have fun with it!
Get inspired! In order to find even more exciting offers, we are now proposing advertisements in the area.
We look forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy it!
Feel free to write us an email to: Let yourself be inspired! In order to find even more exciting offers, we are now proposing advertisements in the area.
We look forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy it!
New in this version:
Let yourself be inspired! In order to find even more exciting offers, we are now proposing advertisements in the area.
We look forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy it!
This update includes some improvements - so that everything continues to run smoothly!
Have fun with it!
We have improved the ad management a little for you. You can now mark ads as reserved or select the status sold.
New in this version:
General technical improvements in the app. So that everything continues to run smoothly!
New in this version:
General technical improvements in the app. So that everything continues to run smoothly!
. You will now receive suitable jobs directly on your smartphone! Use the new job search agent with automatic app notifications.
You can now receive suitable jobs directly on your smartphone! Use the new job search agent now with automatic app notifications
To make the search in several federal states and regions even easier, we have packed the state and region into a filter.
This update contains improvements in the navigation of the app.
Have fun with it!
General technical improvements in the app. So that everything continues to run smoothly!
To make the search a little better, you can now find additional filter options on the hit list. All you have to do is select a category. We have also expanded the filter options for the car search to include color and fuel.
Have fun with it!
• General technical improvements in the app. So that everything continues to run smoothly!
We took advantage of the heat wave to make the app a little leaner and faster.
In addition, you can now search in several federal states and regions at the same time on the marketplace.
Have fun with the update!
We used the heat wave to make the app a little leaner and faster.
Have fun with the update!
• General technical improvements in the app. So that everything continues to run smoothly!
• Various updates to improve app performance
• Bugfixes to keep everything running smoothly!
• New search entry on the Auto & Motor homepage
• You will now see on the app homepage when your sales ads have expired.
• We'll also show you on the home page when reminders are about to expire or the price has been reduced.
• New display of the shopping list on the personalized homepage.
• General technical improvements in the app to keep everything running smoothly!
• We'll show you on your app homepage when your sales ads have expired
• General technical improvements in the app to keep everything running smoothly
Bugfixes, so that everything continues to run smoothly.
From now on, we mark ads on your watchlist that are only available for a few days.
We also made some design changes. We hope you like it!
From now on, we mark ads on your watchlist that are only available for a few days.
We also made some design changes. We hope you like it!
• Bugfixes to keep everything running smoothly!
+ Personalized Feed: New presentation of your watchlist and users that you follow
+ 360 ° view for selected real estate ads
+ Marking of warranty and warranty for car ads
+ High resolution app icon
• Swipe to delete: With immediate effect you can remove recent searches, search agents and ads on your watch list with a swipe gesture
• Bugfixes: Keep everything running smoothly
Have fun with the willhaben app
• Swipe to delete: With immediate effect you can remove recent searches, search agents and ads on your watch list with a swipe gesture
• Bugfixes: Keep everything running smoothly
Have fun with the willhaben app
Version 4.11.0
We're constantly working to improve the willhaben app for you.
With this update you are up to date again.
Have fun with it!
Version 4.10.2
We are constantly working to improve the willhaben app for you.
With this update you are up to date again.
Have fun with it!
Version 4.10.0
• Display your sales ads on the homepage
• More color and structure for better orientation
• General technical improvements to the app
• Updates to keep everything running smoothly!
Have a nice weekend and enjoy the willhaben app!
We attach great importance to the protection of your data!
With this update, we follow the privacy policy set out in the EU GDPR.
Have fun with the willhaben app!
We attach great importance to the protection of your data!
With this update, we follow the privacy policy set out in the EU GDPR.
Have fun with the willhaben app!
This version includes minor technical improvements.
Have fun with the willhaben app!
Even though the warm weather is still to come, we have done a spring cleaning in time for the start of spring in the code of the willhaben app. So nothing stands in the way of buying and selling cool bikes, casual transitional fashion or beautiful convertibles!
Have fun and success - your app team
Version 4.5.1 • bug fixes Version 4.5.0 • New now - use the similarity search for furniture and antiques! • In addition, the update includes enhancements to the chat feature as well as the stability of the app. Version 4.4.2 • bug fixes Version 4.4.1 Thanks for your feedback on the chat messages in the willhaben app! With this version we could solve some of your problems. Have fun!
Version 4.5.0 • New now - use the similarity search for furniture and antiques! • In addition, the update includes enhancements to the chat feature as well as the stability of the app. Version 4.4.2 • bug fixes Version 4.4.1 Thanks for your feedback on the chat messages in the willhaben app! With this version we could solve some of your problems. Have fun!
Version 4.4.2 • bug fixes Version 4.4.1 Thanks for your feedback on the chat messages in the willhaben app! With this version we could solve some of your problems. Have fun! Version 4.4.0 NEW: Send and receive requests via private messages! • Write privately and directly on will • Receive notifications for new messages • Keep track of everything in your News section Have fun with our new favorite feature!
Version 4.4.1 Thanks for your feedback on the chat messages in the willhaben app! With this version we could solve some of your problems. Have fun! Version 4.4.0 NEW: Send and receive requests via private messages! • Write privately and directly on will • Receive notifications for new messages • Keep track of everything in your News section Have fun with our new favorite feature!
Version 4.3.0 • App notifications now available for Android Oreo • Improvements to the seller profile • bug fixes Version 4.2.2 • Bugfixes to keep everything running smoothly Version 4.2.1 • bug fix Version 4.2.0 SELLER PROFILE • Show your profile photo and user info • Follow sellers for ad updates
Version 4.2.2 • Bugfixes to keep everything running smoothly Version 4.2.1 • bug fix Version 4.2.0 SELLER PROFILE • Show your profile photo and user info • Follow sellers for ad updates
Version 4.1.1 • Bugfix in the watchlist Version 4.1.0 • New map view with route option in the display • Find more ads in the same category with one click • Fill your watch list directly from the search results • Easily edit your user profile in the app • New search result option with 3-image view
Version 4.1.0 • New map view with route option in the display • Find more ads in the same category with one click • Fill your watch list directly from the search results • Easily edit your user profile in the app • New search result option with 3-image view
Version 4.0.3 • On multiple user request: Deleting search histories again possible! • Bugfixes to keep everything running smoothly Version 4.0 Thank you for your feedback and enjoy the new features: • Refreshed design of the entire app • Personal homepage "My will" • Improved display layout with larger images • New user profile • Simple search entries • "Show nearby" button in all search results
We have refreshed and improved the app for you! Thank you for your feedback and enjoy the new features: • Refreshed design of the entire app • Personal homepage "My will" • Clear navigation • Improved display layout with larger images • New user profile • Easy search entry into our four sections • "Show nearby" button in all search results Version 4.0.1 • Bugfixes to keep everything running smoothly
Troubleshooting the photo editor in the Ad Task and Fashion Cam.